Getting a new car is amazing, and it is a start of a new chapter in your life. No matter if you are getting your first auto, or if you are replacing the one you already have with a newer and better moment, the whole process is exciting. We look forward to exploring new places with the vehicle, we plan on so many things, and we are just happy to be able to drive in something better. Getting the new auto starts with going to the dealership, and unfortunately, this process may be a negative one if you don’t choose the right place. To save you from a lot of stress and losing cash, we’ve created this 2024 guide. Keep on reading if you want to learn about some of the signs that will tell you that your car dealership is lying.
There is no option to get the price any lower
The oldest trick in the book – every dealership that is not honest and transparent will tell you that there is no possible way for them to lower the price that you see and they cannot match any price. They will tell you that the vehicle is in pristine condition and that you are getting the best deal of your life.
If you try and tell them that you saw the same make and model in another place and that the price was lower, they will tell you that the other place is worse and that their vehicles are bad. You should never trust someone that tries to bring their competitors down, and you should not trust them that the price cannot go lower. Chances are, you cannot get it for half the price, but you can go at least a few hundred lower.
You cannot get a luxury vehicle

We always have a specific vehicle on our mind when we go car shopping, and sometimes we can afford to splurge and we want to get a specific brand or a model that we have wanted for a long time. Sometimes dealerships don’t want you to get their luxury vessels, and they want to either keep them for themselves or they want you to pay much more than they are worth.
They may try and use tricks to make you prove yourself by getting an even more expensive brand, or they will say that you just cannot afford the piece you are interested in. Unfortunately, this trick works for many people, and they end up spending more just to prove the salesperson wrong.
You should look for a service where they state the brands that they have available right from the start and a place that will not judge you no matter what you want to get and how much you want to pay.
For more information on different brands that you can get, visit https://www.discoveryautogroup.com/.
The auto you want is not available
This is a terrible trick that salespeople will try to use to get you to spend more money on their lot. You may be interested in a specific auto, and you may find it available on their lot online. When you call and ask them, they will tell you that you can come and see it. As soon as you arrive, even if it is just one hour later, they will tell you that the vehicle you want just got sold. They will also tell you that there is a far better model available and it is just a bit more expensive but worth it.
Know that this is a well-known trick that many dealerships will try to use to get you to spend at least a couple thousand dollars more, and they will try to sell you something you don’t want. Don’t fall for this, and if they say that the piece you wanted is not there anymore, just walk away.
They are not able to match the prices

One thing that we all know is an option is matching the price. If you find a car from one lot that you like, and you see the same make and model in another place, you can ask the second place to match the price of the first one.
This is an option in many places, as long as the make and model are the same. In most cases, dealerships will match each other’s prices to keep the customers and to make profits. In case they tell you that they cannot do that, walk away. If they try to stop you and drop the price, then you can easily get it to where you want it to be. In case they let you go; they were being honest and they cannot do anything about reducing your costs.
The deal is available only then and there
Finally, the last chance deal that many dealerships will try to offer you is most likely a scam. When we collaborate with different services that are not trustworthy, they will all say the same thing – if you miss out on the opportunity now, there is no way to go back.
Yes, it is true that sometimes there are going to be special offers and discounts, but more often than not, those offers will be clearly stated with a start and end date. Unless you see something like that, chances are, the salesman is trying to trick you.
They will try to enforce urgency and they will try to rush you into making a decision on the spot. Instead of falling for this trick, you should just thank them and walk away.
Pay attention to these signs, and know that if you are talking to a representative that is trying to tell you these things, more often than not, they are trying to scam you. Don’t fall for this, and know that there are far better dealerships that you can collaborate with. Always do your research, and never make a decision on the spot. Salespeople who care about you will give you all the needed information and will be patient with you. If you can’t communicate openly with them, you should not trust them with your life by purchasing a vehicle from them.