Marketing on social media (Social Media Marketing – SMM) is a form of Internet marketing that users of social media transmit targeted marketing message. The World’s marketers have recognized long time ago the social network as a virtual meeting place of potential customers with messages that they can send targeted. Companies participating in their daily activities on social networks reinforce its visual identity, creating trust and closeness, and actively communicate with other users, which ultimately leads to greater attendance website stations, better housing to the search engines, as well as to consumer confidence.
What are social media trends in 2015? In the dynamic world of social media, trends quickly appear and disappear, but what can we expect in 2015? Once again we throw a look into the crystal ball and expect …
Predictions of social media trends in 2015
New channels of communication are becoming increasingly important for quality direct dialogue and resolve the ongoing needs of customers. More than ever, thanks to the mobility and the speed of information flow, the companies have the opportunity in 2015 to open and use to maintain a constructive dialogue with customers and quickly address the needs of the target group, which eventually helps in increasing sales.
Although we already thought that the word ‘content’ is kinda worn during 2014. because of excessive and often unjustified use, but the first tendency and the announcement of the global advertising industry in 2015 telling us to get ready for another year. A year that will mark the re-marketing content.
Yes, content marketing is a long-term undertaking that requires commitment and continuity, but also a more cost-effective than traditional marketing (62% is cheaper, say statistics) and generates three times more business leads. Content marketing also differentiated you from the competition, using it you can build the image of your brand and ensure your existing and potential customers a place where they can inform, entertain and educate. Therefore, we predict that the presence of content marketing will continiue growing, because companies will see the benefit and cost-effectiveness of this kind of marketing.
One of social media trends will be also personalization of content. Good content is created for average user and his need or habit. The best content is one that is designed specifically for each individual user, as an individual. Here we are not talking about the technical performance of inserting the names of readers in a generic text, but of personalization to a higher level. So the social media trend will be presentation of content to users based on their interests and network behaviors that we learn from big data analysis or on the delivery of content at the right time and in the right context, thanks to the possibilities of mobile technology and geolocation. Personalization will become invisible and will take place all over but the level of planning, rather than operational performance.
In 2015, everyone will want to increase their popularity on social media, and it will have to pay for the popularity of free ads decreases (Facebook also announced a ban on the exploitation Timeline for unpaid ads). When brands realize they have to pay for advertising space will be much more careful in choosing what they sets online. They will pay the attention on the Facebook algorithms that encourage popular posts, and will promote only the content that they believe is really worth. This will result in a positive user experience and good grades. As for social media trends in the future, we predict that the facebook will contantly and increasingly develop and that will never go out of trend.
Advertising on Facebook will remain in future, but, the companies will seek strides towards by creating ads to users on Twitter, Pinterest and other platforms that will be available. Testing Ads via Instagram and Facebook Platform Atlas development are only a small part of new advertising opportunities on social networks in 2015.
One of our favorite social media trends is video marketing. This trend does not stop and that will dominate in content marketing. Video marketing is not only reserved for large enterprises. With close relationship in creating content, the video appears as a mode of communication for not only big brands. One example of the creative use of a simple video is “Will It Blend”. Blenders of this brand became a huge hit, and all that was necessary for that is to have courage, a mobile recording device, and Youtube channel. This is creative, interactive and fun way to represent yourself, your services or products.
Below you can see infographic about Social media trends in 2015.