Let’s be honest, most of your blog posts and old content is aging, not like a fine wine but rather like a milk. While already at this point, you probably spend much time just creating that content. It probably took you months, or even few years for publishing each post on blog that’s high quality. Even though you tried hard there is one problem left. Pieces of those content didn’t aged well. As the main rule is, people will usually read posts on blog that are fresh or published this week and go away from those who are old or published months or years ago. Remember those posts you published before? Information is constantly evolving and changing. What was once a gospel half year ago, is not useful now. This is just the natural course of business. Luckily, the process of repurpose old blog contents can make them valuable, relevant and profitable again.
The easiest way of repurpose is bringing back your evergreen content. What is that ? Those are posts on blog that are magnets for traffic, in other words posts that never go out of style. Imagine you have this type of posts just sitting in the archives, you are missing out something that can get you big traffic. If you stumble upon those gems, be sure to post them on social networks like Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter. Maybe you think that people are not interested in seeing something that was already seen in the last 6 months, but think of it in a way that reposted content will reach new audience too. By doing the content repurpose you will be able to convert more, engage more people and get feedback from your audience.
Today we see that many companies understand how important is to provide high quality content to audience. Repurposing your content can not only drive more traffic to your older blog posts but it can also be valuable management tool. Your page will become more accurate the more you post something. It’s all about the focus on efficiency when it comes to repurposing. You should strive for pumping out engaging and fresh content, since you have so much already, make the most out of it!