Every men is dreaming of having his own space. It’s a special place where guy can spend time with his friends or be alone. It should be stuffed with things person enjoys, from sports to hobbies, video games and other things. Each cave is different because it’s created around man. It serves like escape for reality of the world and daily life responsibilities. They are also good for relationships, it doesn’t matter how old you are or if you are married or not. No matter how big or small caves are, they are part of every heart of men. If you plan to design one by yourself it’s important to watch out for all the necessary stuff that you will need. It can be built anywhere you have control of design. You can build it in your basement, garage, secret passage behind bookcases since man cave is sacred for man. Remember Batman movie and seeing Batcave? That is the ultimate cave, who doesn’t want to own something like that?
Your cave has to be disconnected from normal living spaces in your house. There is no way your woman can enter inside. 🙂 When you are starting to build one, make sure you isolate the space by creating it sound proof. You can install fiberglass or other material for insulation between the walls. You sure don’t want late night poker game with your friends to be heard loud or interrupted by angry neighbours who can’t sleep. Optional choice if painting your walls, darker paints which will give you more of a feeling of relaxed atmosphere with home theater setups and lighter colors will give you feeling of wider space and more lights in room. If you are planning to watch lot of movies (of course you do) put curtains if you have windows so you don’t have outside lightning as an obstacle for seeing TV. Next step is finding the best and most comfy chairs or couches you could find.
In most of men caves, you can find books, various decorations, bookcases that hold trophies or tables where you can put your drink on. Good option is rustic furniture made out of wood, which really fits the style of cave and is more durable then other materials. Don’t forget to write entire list of materials you will need to finish building cave. If you have a budget, leave 10 to 15% of money by side because there will be additional unforeseen costs for sure. Don’t spend too much money on tools for building, lots of them you can borrow from your friends or even rent from local store. You gotta buy nice TV of course, especially if you plan to watch sports channels with your friends. It has to be at least 40-50 inch screen. Even though it will probably not be your main point of entertainment, you can’t put a small TV for a cave like this, keep in mind you will probably play video games too. You can even build home theater system, buying a good screen and quality projector can create larger images then having big TV. Don’t forget to add great speakers as they will only improve the experience. If you can, go with the floor standing speakers because they will really complete whole theater feeling.
If you like to have nice selection of drinks when your friends come over, or mixing booze, power up experience with buying your own bar with shelves, add fridge to that too. Make sure that internet access is available in your cave, you will surely hook up your laptop in there. If you have an extra bit of money buy a table tennis table, poker table, dart board or even old classic stuff like pinball machine. If you like to train save some space in cave for sport equipment. Activity will keep you strong and fit. Having white walls in a cave will probably not impress anyone. And honestly you can look at your TV and stare at it whole time. So, add some kind of art work on wall to hang as it will add some culture to your space and provide more honestly look at you.
One thing you can’t forget is including billiard table in your cave, it’s a must have. There are honestly thousands of different ways you can customize and decorate your cave. From including musical instruments to indoor bowling, arcade gaming to other miniature sports, as mans cave is really his kingdom.