When the Internet connection is slow, you certainly do not have the nerve to search anything on the Internet. The same happens to potential visitors of your website if page loads slowly. No matter how interesting and quality information website contains visitors lose interest due to slow load or waiting for information. Research has shown that visitors are willing to wait 3-5 seconds to web page load, then lose interest and move on. Site speed is an important factor because in addition to losing potential clients and visitors, you also lose a place in the search engines, because slow websites are worse positioned. The competition is great and that is why there is no more room for slow sites.
Want to know how fast your website is? You can check the site speed through Google PageSpeed Insights. Enter the URL of a website in the search field and click “Analyze”. This tool will show you the speed on mobile devices and desktop computer. In addition to the speed test, Google tool also offers you suggestions to improve the speed of the page.
On the web, a delay of just one second can reduce page views, decrease customer satisfaction, and result in a loss in conversions. In this infographic below, you can check how site speed impacts your bottom line and how you can ensure your site is speedy: