All of the most popular car producers are constantly working on improving the engines so they could emit less of toxic substances. There are official international standards that these manufacturers must meet when they want to introduce a new model. When it comes to the new vehicles, all of them must meet the most recent Euro 6 standards.
All of the most popular car producers are constantly working on improving the engines so they could emit less of toxic substances. There are official international standards that these manufacturers must meet when they want to introduce a new model. When it comes to the new vehicles, all of them must meet the most recent Euro 6 standards.
These Euro regulations started during the 90s and the main feature is to prevent companies from installing engines that will release too much of carbon dioxide and other toxic gasses. With the improvements of new technologies and systems that can provide models that are much safer for the environment, these regulations are also becoming updated with tendencies to introduce new limits.
The fact is that both petrol and diesel engines are not the best option when it comes to the environment. However, it is challenging to easily replace them with electric ones, and it is estimated that it will need another 10 or 15 years before electric cars become the most common choice. Therefore, meeting these regulations is crucial, and there are other benefits to that besides the fact that it is safer for nature. For example, you will spend less money on gas.
The most recent regulations were introduced in 2015, and they apply to various types of vehicles like cars, trucks, bikes, and more. Many countries have specific rules about those vehicles that doesn’t have Euro 6 engines, and you might face higher taxes, road fees, and other expenses. In that matter, it is a great solution to improve your car or truck so it could meet these standards. We are going to introduce you to some of the most important things to know about converting to Euro 6.
1. It Cannot Be Done on All Vehicles
The first thing you should know about these upgrades is that it is not possible for all types of cars and other vehicles. It depends on the model of the car and its current system. If you have an older model, you cannot expect that you will be able to make such a conversion. However, if you have a model produced after 2011, chances are great that you will be able to install new filters and other systems that will meet the most recent regulations.
It is very important for transport companies since there are many countries with specific rules. Therefore, if you have a fleet of trucks, you will meet some benefits if you upgrade them to most recent regulations. If your trucks don’t have the most recent engines, you can upgrade them with emulators. Check out BlueTruck24 to learn more about this feature.
2. You Will Save Money

Even though it might seem like an expensive upgrade, it will actually save you a lot of money since many countries and districts have special regulations where older models are either banned from certain areas or drivers have to pay additional fees to drive there. Be sure to learn more about these laws so you don’t face some fees and penalties.
Also, we already mentioned that the gas consumption is lower when you have the Euro 6 engine. It is good to know that companies managed to create new types of engines with more power and less consumption. For example, the Volkswagen 1.0 liters’ petrol engine consumers less than 5 liters per 100 km, but it has a decent power of over 100 horsepower.
3. Learn More About the Process
First of all, you should check if your car can be upgraded so it can meet the most recent regulations. As we already mentioned, there are many cars where it cannot be done. Also, the process is much easier for diesel engines, while making this type of upgrade on a petrol engine can be a lot more expensive and complicated. Therefore, it is not so efficient as well. On the other hand, an excellent solution for petrol vehicles is to install the liquid gas alternative.
With this option, even if you are driving an older model, you will meet these regulations. It is also quite cheap since it will cost you only around $2,000. When it comes to diesel engines, they are the most popular choice for these upgrades. If you want to make it compliant to Euro 6, you will have to install additional filters and other devices that will prevent the car from releasing too much of toxic waste.
The price of making such upgrades can be between $1,500 and $4,000. Also, almost all diesel cars with Euro 4 and 5 can be upgraded. If you are interested in this solution, it is very important to find a licensed service that will provide you with a certificate that you will use as proof that your car meets the most recent rules. That is the only way to avoid additional fees and eco taxes.
The main advantage of this option is related to people who are not interested in replacing their older vehicles. There are many car enthusiasts who prefer driving some classic models from the start of the 90s, like some Mercedes, Audi, or Golf. Therefore, you don’t have to leave your car in garage or sell it when you can make these updates.
Last Words

We have to mention that it depends on the preferences of drivers. The easiest solution is to buy a new car so you don’t have to deal with this process at all. On the other hand, a lot of people are interested in buying used vehicles since they are much cheaper. In that case, checking the type of engine is crucial.
You have to understand that vehicles are leaders when it comes to pollution, especially when it comes to diesel engines. Therefore, the only solution to lower the effects is to improve engines over time and update these regulations with tendencies to meet zero pollution at one moment. It seems that it will become possible only after all drivers start driving electric cars, but lowering the emission in petrol and diesel cars is crucial since they will remain popular for a long time.