Say hello to your new best business friend. Think again if you think Twitter and Facebook are all around best social marketing tools. Pinterest is fairly new social network site with over 70 million users but only 20 million are active ones. Interesting thing that I’d like to mention is that 80% of the users on Pinterest are females. But not just regular females, they have high income budget of over $100,000 USD. Men are starting to catch up with Pinterest too, last year the number of male users has doubled. Pinterest looks really beautiful, it’s easy, fun and eye catching.
Pinterest is becoming big tool for marketing. When you create an account on Pinterest, you can create online boards for topics that you are interested and after that add videos or pictures to them by ” pinning” them to it. Even though Pinterest is virtual, this is similar to pinning something to your class board in school using glue sticks.
Pinterest is constantly growing with over 1,5 million unique new views each day . In terms of being source for traffic, it has even surpassed giants like YouTube and LinkedIn. If you are executing your pins the right way, they can get you a good engagement for your business. You must make your content visible and searchable, and if not, it won’t be found or seen. When you are starting your business account make sure how to create really popular pins and look out what your followers are searching for. You will have more better ideas if you understand and know what are the most popular Pinterest categories. Because people are in general visual beings, we tend to look at pictures of people, food, beautiful scenery, nature and more.
Since the site itself is very visual, the essential core of any pin you post is your image. Nice resolution for your upload would be image in 736×1102 pixels, because it’s neither too big nor too small.
It is already hard to make a great pin, but it’s even harder to optimize it so it can be shared and seen. If you succeed to make an eye catching pin, maybe they get repinned by other users. A common mistake lot of people does, is making their images watermarked. As this means it’s your property, people will not pin your pictures. Put all your effort in making quality images because your products on Pinterest are selling itself just by their appearance, so in the end it will all be worth it. Don’t forget to write rich descriptions. With typing the right keywords, you will bring much more traffic to your webpage.
Good idea would be finding a popular community and talking with users in group boards so you also could contribute to it. Talk to other users on Pinterest, one unique pin you make could bring you traffic for weeks ahead. Check your status on Pinterest regularly. Users on Pinterest like to watch and see creative stuff and enjoy finding new pictures. You can even set rewards to people who share your pins the most, this is attractive way of getting to know people better and they liking your brand or product.
Many companies are already using this great tool to work their way up and appeal to customers with their interesting brands. My advice is that you take a good look at Pinterest and consider it as your new marketing plan, start making your business, one pin at a time. For more useful information, check out the infographic below: