Instagram is a social network that allows users to post photos and video content. Facebook as the most used network also received the ” rival ”, which was recently included sponsored ads in its offer. Advertising Agencies do not recommend advertising on social networks to anyone. Companies operating in the B2B market should not waste time or resources on advertising on social networks, on the other hand, companies oriented to end consumers can easily increase their identity by using social networks.
However, what is it that companies ensures greater success on Instagram? Why some companies should embrace Instagram instead of Facebook? The key factor is kind of activity. The companies that can photograph their products or services and evoke public interest, will have a greater number of followers. Restaurants, pastry shops, tourist attractions and amusement parks are perfect candidates for Instagram. Companies in the food industry by using Instagram should turn customers into loyal customers. Is there a better way to advertise restaurants or pastry shops of inducing the consumer’s desire for food by sharing photographs of delicious meals?
Furthermore, consumers can independently publish photos of products and services of company which also increases the online presence. Although Instagram is an excellent network for meeting consumer with the company it is also often considered as a network that requires separation of larger amounts of time. That is why businesses often choose to hire experts for moderating an advertising on Instagram. If you want to know why you should choose Instagram instead of Facebook, check out this infographic below: