What is SEO – website optimization?
SEO – Search engine optimization consists of a series of strategies with the ultimate goal of achieving a better position in the search results (SERP) of your website by specific keywords on the Internet search engines (Google) that specifically increases number of targeted visitors to your website. The more targeted (people looking for a service or product that you offer) visitors come on your website of course the greater is the chance that the visitor will become a customer.
Why do you need website optimization?
The best and cheapest way to reach new customers and earn revenue is through website optimization. A large number of people, even more than 80% are looking for information on internet, the first thing they do is type in a keyword (usually phrase) in Google and review the results. If your site is not in the top ten you will lose a potential client, because they will first review the results on the first page of Google, if they do not find anything interesting they’ll turn to the second page, it is questionable will they turn third page too.
What is the keyword, and why is it important?
A keyword can be only one (eg. Cars), but most often it is a phrase (eg. Used cars) that specifically and accurately describes the activity or product that is offered. When we talk about optimizing it’s ungrateful and unnecessary to think broadly, here’s an example why. Suppose you have a company that sells used cars. Your keyword is not (cars) because you will hardly or not at all be able to be on the first page of search engines and also a small percentage of people will type into a search engine (cars). Your keyword may be (used cars) although the competition on this term is very large and cost-effectiveness of these keyword is questionable. Your keyword may have been (used cars London, of course, if the firm is located in London) but for that term is great competition also. Your keyword or keywords are (cheap used cars London, used cars Opel brand, used cars London, used car golf sales…). Because the competition is relatively weak on this keywords, and because you will with a little investment be able to reach excellent results.
The main division of website optimization
SEO – website optimization is divided into on site and off site optimization. On site optimization involves all actions and adjustments on the website that you want to optimize better, and Off site optimization means all actions that need to be made out of your site.
How much does it take?
The deadline for a quality job of optimizing Web pages actually never stops. Some optimal time frame for new or pages that were never optimized is the minimum of six months, for concrete results and significant improvements should take 12 months. Of course, many factors affect the time limit and is therefore difficult and thankless task to tell a universal time.
The process of SEO – optimization of web pages
Analyzing needs of your site and assemble concrete offers. Analysis of competition and the development of strategies for optimization. Follow on site and off site optimization. Analysis of performance optimization. Report on attendance. Definition of supply and demand of target group on specific market. After all these items the process starts from the beginning.
If someone guarantee you first place on the search engine most likely they does not know much about SEO. SEO – website optimization for search engines provides you a very high position of your website in the search results by specific keywords. Optimization of your website is necessary due to the increasing number of visitors (potential customers) who trying to reach your website via Google.
When a site is properly optimized you will get targeted visitors through search engines used by the highest percentage of people. It is easy to conclude that this is by far the cheapest and best way to reach new customers. If you will not, competition will …
Below is infographic about the anatomy of an optimized web page: