Best Infographic Template of 2014 for Infographic Design Beginners
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We live in the age of the visual information. A visual data presentation - known as infographic, made with a tools such as Adobe...
iOS 7 Infographic: Most Popular iOS7 Colors on the Apple AppStore
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Have you ever wondered what the most popular colors are in each category of the Apple app store? iOS 7 Infographic below shows very...
Flight MH370 Facts Infographic: Was Flight 370 Flown into a Taliban Area?
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The news braking story of what really happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which went missing on the 8th of March 2014 and has...
Selfie Infographic – “Selfiegraphic” Facts and Statistics
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Selfies are headlines and front-page news. President Barack Obama caught hell for taking selfies with world leaders at Mandela's funeral ceremony. Kim Kardashian takes...
21 Stunning Design Infographic Template for Data Presentation
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If you are looking for best quality and stunning design infographic template, this post will definitely help you. We have selected fresh and most...
Social Media Infographic – Keeping your social account secure
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The explosion of social media has created whole new set of security problems and issues. You might not be surprised by this statement, but...
Infographic – Oscar Predictions 2014
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The 2014 Oscar nominees are ranked based on how many tweets it generated. Awesome Oscar infographic by TheWrap.
Ahead of this weekend’s Oscars ceremony, global...
Ultimate list of Motion Infographic Templates
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Infographic popularity over the past few years has increased by more than a few hundred percent. There are many reasons why this happened,but mainly...
Infographic – Evolution of Social Media and World News
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More and more people worldwide get news online than from newspaper,TV or radio, following infographic shows. Almost half (49,9%) of the news readers hear...
WhatsApp Acquisition Infographic – $19 Billion Deal
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The most popular social network in the world - Facebook, buys messaging communication services company "WhatsApp" for $19billion. Facebook hopes to increase their popularity,...