Millennials are people by age 18 to 34, they are also known as generation Y. As you’re probably guessing this generation is investing a lot in newest tech devices and cool gadgets. Millennials most valued possessions are portable electronics. They are used with apps for weather, cooking, food and even apps for travelling. Also, millennials are using tech for fitness, sports, hobbies and science studies. Apps are doing all in their favor and every millennial is individualistic. They get their news from retailers, tech sites, social media and video sharing. They usually follow pages that are reliable, unbiased, direct, straightforward and they want to know as much things as possible in the quickest amount of time.
One of the best ways for getting into the business with millennial generation is capitalizing on social media websites using honest and direct opinions and data. But, many people and companies can struggle in order to get them engaged on Facebook for example. Those people from millennial generation were practically raised on the web and gadgets, making them early and most influential adopters of new tech. So the question is, how can you get millennials interested and excited about your services or products? And even better, how to engage them with your page. The internet is a big space, and to get anyone to notice you online is a real challenge, but reaching millennial generation is even more difficult. There are some topics that you should follow along if you wish to have any chance to make them interested enough to visit your page. For instance, 62% of millennials are interested in food, 59% are searching for travel information and 75% want to read the news. These results are for sure fascinating, but, it’s also interesting to check out millennials preferences in comparison to those people older than 35 years of age.
41% of people older than 35 are relying on retailer web pages while 52% millennials. 50% of millennials are relying on websites for video sharing in contrast to only 29% of people older than 35 years. Here is the real reason why you should focus on trying to attract millennials to your social webpage. 59% of them are using social networks for finding new information compared to only 29% of the crowd that’s 35+. In order to drive them to websites you need to know what they are looking for. You need to have amazing graphics and content that is brief, easy to understand and well written.
There are also other factors that are considered very important such as having the information about career, content optimized for mobile platforms, and respected brands or authors too. So by knowing that how can you apply it and determine what you will post on your page to attract millennials? For example, if you have a business page on Facebook you will post brief updates of status each containing around 100 characters max. Also, post only content that is relevant to your audience. Don’t ignore them, try to answer every question and respond to every post or comment on your page. What are you doing in order to get millennials engaging with your page?