This article is intended to bring you to the world of startup ie. The idea to launch a project. Guide generally applies to all ideas, but primarily refers to the computer, web and mobile applications since such startups are currently the most popular.
Many people have an idea for a business. The problem with this is that a huge number of these ideas do not come to the implementation process. Furthermore, it is true that the idea itself is not worth anything, but the realization of the same may be poor or excellent – all depends on the performer.
Talk about your idea or not?
When we think that you have a great idea, you probably first think: “What if someone realized it before me?”.
Unlike the prototype, the idea can not be protected. For example, if you hear a director idea for a movie and make exact the same movie – it’s not illegal. In most cases, you will not be able to protect the entire project, but do not be afraid of that – most successful Internet projects is not being protected.
On the other hand, it is right to talk about your idea to the people and ask for advice. This way you can get to the knowledge that you would not come alone. Using it you can discover whether is profitable to realize that, in which way, are you going to have problems… etc.
Access to the idea
Every idea needs to be accessed as if it’s wrong ie. to look for it’s flaws. The truth is that any idea will have problems, but some are solvable, and some are not. If you find that the problem is solvable, give up than in the phase when you haven’t spent too much time.
A good trick for testing the success of the idea is to make a page with subscribing to your product. Based on this, you can see how many there are interested before you have the product itself.
The idea must be clear and must solve a problem. When you know the way to the finish line, you will somehow achieve that. Do not be afraid of failure, it can happen to everyone.
Definition of startup
Startups are usually defined as companies and projects that are younger than one year, do not make money and have a few employees. There are disagreements over the definition of the term, but we can simplify the matter and say that each project in the beginning is startup. This status is lost when a project succeed and when it can support itself.
The order in which you should collect money for your startup:
- 3F – Friends, Family and Fools
- Seed Investment
- Venture Capital Investment
The investment figures vary depending on the countries. Never operate the project because of the investment itself. All investors expect the percentage in the first phase, and in the later stages of the project return on investment with a profit, therefore consider whether you can without investors. They can significantly speed up the development and contribute to the strong relationships they have, but also have requirements.
It should also be said that the road to investment is not easy. You will have to take the utmost care to explain why investors to invest in your project, for it is necessary to have a good pitch. For great examples of startup pitch powerpiont presentations for download, check this article.
If investors do not want to invest in you right now, you can still ask whether they are interested to inform them about the progress of the project. But if you are thinking that you need to have a business or not, most investors said that they did not care.
One person usually can not run all alone and in the startup world generally there are teams. It is important to be clear about what are the roles and who leads the team.
When creating a team, it is important to have good criteria for selecting members. Firstly, it should be expertise, enthusiasm and responsibility. If team is not good enough, the project has no chance of success. However, this rule is not only in this world but can be applied everywhere. If for example, one member of the band is not playing well, the whole band is going to sound bad.
Keep meetings with members at least once a week. It can be even with a beer in the evening. Then in a relaxed atmosphere you can present new ideas, review the progress and the like.
Basic guidelines
- launch your ideas quickly
- focus on one thing at a time, especially if you have a permanent job with it
- small ideas can be just as successful as the great
- do not try to copy Facebook and other popular social networks – these are extreme cases
- find out about the competition (there are always at least five teams working on the same idea)
- visit the conference and interact with people,
- connect with people you meet on LinkedIn, etc. networks
- Talk to your customers – they will give the best feedback
- read expert blogs and news
- read the book The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
Run startup or not?
Today all of the information are available and everyone can learn how to make something. If you can team up with someone who knows realize the idea, then team up. If you can not do none of the above, pay the company that will realize it for you. So, you have no excuses. 🙂
When you move in this world, you will meet a few people who do not like your work, but you know what they say – haters gonna hate. You will also see a lot of ideas similar to yours. Take advantage of flaws of the existing things, keep the passion and realize your ideas. If you do not succeed – it’s OK, at least you tried. 😉
Below is great infographic about how to start a startup: