The motto “Stay hungry, stay childish” is recipe for success regardless of profession and employment, claimed the co-founder of Apple, one of the greatest visionaries of modern technology, but also one of the greatest innovators – Steve Jobs
How Jobs starded decided to show the Funders and Founders by special infographic, which in a simplified manner, shows the more important parts of his life. Love of electronics has developed quite quickly, and then followed the first real contact with the ‘spiritual’ part, just like the world of psychedelics.
Jobs inspired us in many things, we will highlight some of his messages:
This works to those fools, rebels, the walking troubles … To those who see things differently – they do not like rules. You can disagree with them, glorify or you can hate them, but the only thing you can not – ignore them. Because they change things. They push people forward and although some considered crackpots, I consider them genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who in the end really do – said Steve Jobs
Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Do not lose faith. I am convinced that the only thing that guided me was that I loved what I was doing. You’ve got to find what you love. This also applies for the job, as well as for lovers. Career will occupy most of our life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great. Just as if you love what you’re doing, you can do a great job. If you still have not found a job that fulfills you, keep looking. Do not settle. As in all situations in which it decides heart, you’ll know when you find it. And like a wonderful connection, it will be better and better as the years go. Search until you found it, do not settle down before. This is part of the legendary visionary speech of Steve Jobs at Stanford in 2005.
Do not let yourself get caught in the trap of dogma, ie, to live according to the results posted by others. Do not let the opinions of others stifle your inner voice. Intuition will lead to great results. Everything else is secondary. Stay hungry. Stay childish – said Steve Jobs long time ago.
If you are doing a job that you love, and doing it in a bad company, then even the best call can turn into a torture because of “toxic” working climate. It is best to leave the company, but not a career. Do not give up what you love and what you are good at. The only way to succeed in business is to be excellent at what you do, was honest advice by Steve Jobs.
In business survive those who do not give up. Life is full of obstacles, and the job is a big part of life which is also not smooth, says Steve Jobs. Survive only those who do not give up and will always find a way to “jump the fence”. In a situation where you are doing the job of your dreams, and you have a boss from hell, it is important to continue to give the best of yourself. Remember that all that will be in your CV.
And for the end…Dream big dreams, and start from small steps, advised us Steve Jobs. The bottom line is to stay true to yourself and do what you love, and do not discourage by obstacles in life, all work will be a worthwhile, therefore, be strong! 🙂
In the infographic below you can see how Steve Jobs began his career: