Drug and alcohol addiction is a common issue in today’s world. Its effects are extremely adverse, therefore, its treatment requires a lot of effort and work on the part of the doctors, therapists as well as patients.
To help the unfortunate patients overcome this problem, numerous treatment programs have been created by rehab centers after thorough studies and experimentation. Their focus is not just on the physical health of the patient but also the spiritual healing of the mind so that he can enjoy sound health and body. Look at this site https://impactrecoverycenter.net/
Healing therapies for drug addiction

Medication is undoubtedly one of the most common things used during treatment. These might include anti-depressants, benzodiazepines, and clonidine, etc. These medications can reduce irritability and anxiety and help with withdrawal symptoms as well.
Therapy is also a crucial aspect of recovery if one wants to get better and stay healthy in the future as well. Therapists help people talk about their issues and this helps them address the problems which might be the reason for the alcohol or drug addiction. If the root cause of addiction is not addressed and solved, then it is likely possible that his addiction can resurface again after his treatment is complete.

Yoga is another effective technique to help the patients where they are made to perform physical, mental as well as spiritual exercises. These exercises create a combined relation between these three aspects of the human body and by the combination of spiritual and physical meditation, a sense of tranquility is achieved by the patient.
Moreover, his body can acquire more flexibility and strength through the low-impact exercises of yoga. It is also said to reduce the stress levels in the patients.
Physical training and workout
Physical training and workout routines are supposed to keep the patient active and fit. These exercises are not very difficult and can be revised according to the patient’s body and needs. It helps in toning muscles, improving heart functioning and body composition. As the body becomes stronger, it can combat potential diseases and also promotes a better sleeping routine.
Meditation therapy

Meditation therapy helps to relax the patient and get in touch with his inner self. It eliminates the external negative stimuli from his conscious mind so that he may focus only on the positive things and get rid of his stress and anxiety. Some people are not close to God but if they try to get in touch with their spiritual sides, they will feel that they can admit their sins or wrongdoings to God.
A person will feel liberation and acceptance when a huge burden is lifted off his shoulders. Admitting to himself and God that he has done a wrong thing takes great courage and the patient can try and let go of his drinking habits or substance abuse. Better eating and sleeping habits, not to mention attentiveness, help to improve the decision-making skills of the affected person.
The main stage of the relapse process
Despite all of these different treatment therapies, there is almost always a chance of relapse for the patient, the reason of which can be a negative activation action. The relapse process occurs in the following three basic stages.
Emotional stage

After going through the ordeal of getting a long treatment in a rehab center, a patient completes his recovery. He does not consciously think about abusing substances again either which is a key point in the emotional stage of relapse. He may go through any event that may trigger the onset of a potential relapse, he will not even be aware of this because he might deny being in relapse by giving an argument that he does not think about using drugs.
This is why his family or caretakers should keep an eye on him because his erratic moods or behavior can be the early symptoms of relapsing. Other signs can be isolation, irregular sleeping and eating habits, isolation from other, hiding emotions or not asking for help, etc.
It is better if the patient’s loved ones notice these symptoms right away because it is much easier to prevent a relapse in the early stages. He should also be unafraid to ask for help when he needs it and he might not be hesitant if he knows that his family loves and supports in no matter what.
Mental stage
During this stage, the patient’s mood swings or frustration increase so much that the convalescent starts to think about using drugs again and he goes from emotional stage to the next one, which is the mental stage. He thinks that if he uses just once, then his cravings will be satisfied but he will still be conflicted between his choices because a part of him wants to remain sober while the other part keeps thinking about using again.
If this stage keeps going on, his mind will convince him to use drugs again and he will start to look for opportunities to get his hands on some substance. He will lie to his loved ones as well and will try to go to those places where he knows he might be able to buy something.
Physical stage

When the patient has finally decided that he wants to use again, it will be difficult to stop him because the physical stage of relapse is significantly critical. He will eventually end up using drugs again because his cravings got out of hand and he could not control them. After this, he will end up in a worse condition than he was in before because after going through a long period of recovery, relapse can put him at the bottom of the pit.
He will lose self-control and all his progress will be lost because he will just keep convincing himself that each of his fixes is the last one and he can stop any time he wants but he is just deluding himself. It is much more difficult to recover after going through a relapse.