Home Tips How Far in Advance Should You Plan a Bachelor Party

How Far in Advance Should You Plan a Bachelor Party

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There are few moments in our lives that really matter and are truly special as they mark our lives and make us much happier. Going to college is probably the first time when we experience independence and responsibility, which is why so many have trouble settling and making it all work, but after a week or two, we get used to planning and dealing with everything college-related.

Afterward, choosing a career and even moving to some new place, new city, and state is usually the next step. We get to live alone or with a roomie for the first time in the big city, and everything looks new, compelling, and attractive. But then it comes what really matters, finding that special someone, a person that you absolutely know that you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Of course, some have more luck finding that special someone, and high school or college sweethearts are a theme of so many romantic movies. Nonetheless, getting married is one of the few moments in life that really change everything for the better. Now, planning a wedding can be stressful, and you are probably already aware of this fact, but that’s not all, as there are also bachelorette and bachelor parties.

In order to avoid any additional stress, there are a few tips about planning a bachelor party. The first and perhaps the most important thing is setting a date, as everything else starts from that point. But, another question arises, and it’s about how far in advance you should plan your bachelor party. Well, there is no need to worry, as we are here to provide some tips on how to manage everything on time, so let’s start.

When is the best time to host it?

Source: istockphoto.com

First of all, we need to see when is the best time to host a bachelor party because it is the only way to know when to start planning it. Many people want to host it an evening before the wedding day, but it is not a smart idea for so many reasons and we will mention some of them. These parties are known as the ones with the best conduct, a huge amount of alcohol, and as much fun as possible.

They usually last longer than planned, and they may end up losing a best man or even groom, so it is not a good idea to host it a night or weekend before the wedding because you will not have enough time to find the missing people. Okay, we described a movie, but it is not impossible that something like that will happen, and it is necessary to have all the possible scenarios in mind.

You probably watched at least one of The Hangover movies, and in most cases, things don’t get as crazy as that, but it provides a great insight into what can be expected from a bachelor party. Besides that, it is not an excellent idea to go to the wedding ceremony hungover or, even worse, still drunk because it may seem funny to you and the mates who were at that bachelor party, but the bride and family will not be happy at all for sure.

Because of that, it is probably best to host the bachelor party sometime between one and four months before the wedding since in that way everyone will have enough time to recover and be fresh and prepared for the wedding day. In that way, the bride will be satisfied, and it will reduce the chance to get a bridezilla instead of a happy and cheerful bride.

Activities to include

Source: istockphoto.com

As you are probably aware, much like a guys’ night out, the bachelor party also has to have everything. Think of it as the last day on earth because after saying the most simple yet important word, “Yes,” everything changes. Of course, there should be some ground rules, as no one want to do something they will regret in the morning.

So, make sure there is also food and not just alcohol, and furthermore, plan a night with plenty of activities. Also, try not to organize and plan something that most can afford or cannot attend to. Now, as for what to do, many decide to organize a trip to Las Vegas or Atlantic City, and in case that’s simply too far or too expensive, strip clubs are somehow a much preferable solution.

Yes, that’s one option that many people choose, but since we live in a modern world, there are plenty of other ways to get a unique and original experience. Hiring high-class escort services like Londontransgirls.com can really make that night a night to remember, so make sure this is on your list.

How much time do we need for proper planning?

Source: istockphoto.com

Another question is how much time we need to spend planning the perfect bachelor party, and it is the question that does not have only one answer. It depends on how you imagined the best party and how many things you need to plan in advance. One of the things you need to decide before star planning is a date, and as we mentioned before, the best time to host this type of party is between one and four-month before the wedding day.

After that, you need to decide how long the party will last because you cannot plan it properly without knowing the amount of time that should be fulfilled. If you are planning a long-distance trip for a bachelor party in some foreign country, get enough time to make sure that you can prepare all the necessary documents for that trip without rushing and finishing everything at the last moment.

The organization of the bachelor party depends on the organizational skills of the person who is preparing it. Because of that, it is hard to answer how much time we need to organize it, and it is always better to start with ideas and sketches in time.