Technology can hugely benefit you in the years of college. It can help you to find information, communicate, add little bit of comfort in your room, remind you of important deadlines and share resources. It can also be huge temptation and big time sucking distraction. There is no denying that you need good technology for both fun and work, and honestly most of students in college are equipped with some great tech gadgets. There are some gadgets that are must have for college students. For example in most dorm rooms we can find coffee makers, mini fridges, compact microwaves and even digital plants. Most of the college students are on social media networks, but you got to stay smart in social way. If you are on Facebook you need to be extra careful what you’re posting especially if you have class professors as your friends there.
Did you know that 98% of college students own at least one tech device or gadget? Also, almost 40% of those students said they are checking their device for every 10 minutes. There was one study conducted 2 years ago which proved that 7 million students are taking at least 1 online course. In 2013, students had spent 9 billion dollars on tech devices. The device that’s most used in college is laptop with 91%, following is smartphone with 72% of use, desktop PC with 51%, tablet with 40%, ebook reader with 20% and netbook with only 11%.
I think that no matter how you look at it and what your views are about technology in general, it sure is changing the college life. Times are changing and bookstores on campus are not filled with books only but also iPads and laptops. College students with their smartphones in hands are common, and maybe in not so distant future, college of the future will exist only in a form of computer screen, rather than sitting in a classroom with other students and professors.