Creating great and engaging visual content is not just for creative people. Some of us can think that we are not trained enough to do awesome things. Journalists, creators of content or marketers all feel and think that this is the designers domain so they skip that area. But in reality, people know that visual content is best for communicating with readers even though lots of us are feeling more comfortable using words than images. With such a variety awesome apps and tools available, I think that anyone is capable of creating stunning visual content that will drive action and catch someones attention, even if they are born without a single creative body inside. If you have a strong visual content you will attract traffic from social networks. Blog posts that contain images are having big 94% of more views then those who are missing images with content. If you are just starting to use visual content for your marketing start with what you can and where you can.
There are many brands, public figures or businesses that have succeed in attracting great amount of traffic throughout consistent posting of original visual content. This is crucial, you need to post every day at the same time. Sometimes it can be only one picture! But if it’s done the right way it will attract the audience. People usually try to advertise their content on as much platforms as they can, but it’s better to just focus on one social network and be consistent there. Jumping from one to another is not effective or practical. Be on a platform where your audience is and you will get results. The real problem is how you’re going to stand out from the rest of competition. How can you make sure that you get attention of readers and make them to share or click your content? Only those who can master the art of mixing video, live streaming, conversation and images will attract and connect people. Awesome visual content should be able to do 3 things. Inspire, catch attention and encourage action.
If you are in need of enhancing visuals for your marketing strategy here are some of the tips you should follow.
- Use eye catching branding, photos and colors.
- Adding a call to action on description or image is also great idea.
- Drive the traffic to somewhere you can call people to join your mailing list.
- Use the power of Pinterest. It’s a great platform so you should make all your content on blog or website pinnable. There is probably an army of marketers on Pinterest, and if you can create visually great content you can be sure they are going to pin you.
You can also use websites and their tools to create engaging visual content. The few of them are really good and they are Canva, Piktochart and Relay. Canva is the one that’s most used. They have package called ” Canva for work ” where you can easily resize pictures for any social network, but also bunch of other cool features. Piktochart is interesting because of hundreds upon hundreds of templates that are ready made. If you just switch icons, fonts, photos and colors you can create something unique and custom. Relay has intuitive tool which can automatically design images based on tagline, website and logo you have uploaded. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try your brain just doesn’t get any ideas but, when you feel like that, use some of these tips as source for inspiration.