Web forms are the heart of every website conversion. They are the fuel that helps you to convert visitors into future subscribers, customers or leads. But the biggest challenge is how to make visitors fill the forms, because to be honest no one likes to do that. You can have great designed webpage, but still it will suffer if your forms are poorly developed or designed. So it has to be imperative to optimize web forms in best possible way. You must use intelligent web forms. Many times, you can see that webpages can have few forms with common form fields. If people see same forms on different websites they will start to be frustrated and probably leave before even filling the form. Web forms are like backbone of app sign ups, e-commerce sales and lead generation, so they dictate growth, revenue and survival of the business too.
Improving web form conversion rate
One of the great methods to convert is to offer various rewards to users. They will fill the forms but they also expect to get something in return. You can put value and create it in almost anything, for instance purchase of a product, getting helpful content feed or access to useful tool. You can create form where you offer free e-book to all people who sign up. This can bring you much more people who will subscribe, it can provide you with 170% higher number of subscribers. Make sure that you have powerful call-to-action. About 72% of marketers don’t have that on their pages which is really surprising me. The contact form on your website is serving as getaway for each type of visitors you can have on page. From sales people to seekers for job, potential customers, so it’s for very broad audience.
Website form that you’re creating has to be lean, which means free from of all the unnecessary fields. Your goal is to minimize efforts for users, so that they can have better experience in completing forms.
Of course, we can’t forget about mobile users too. Mobile platform is now most widely used one, to access the internet. There’s a big chance many of your page visitors are using phones. So imagine all the hassle when someone has to fill form with their smaller screen and touch keyboard. You also got to be creative with the length of forms.
How can you optimize the form?
Well there’s a few of tricks you can apply. Break your form in multiple smaller ones, and use the horizontal layout. If you have radio buttons or checkboxes, by doing this you will make your form to appear more shorter. This one is really important, promote your form in its peak time. Target the users when they are most likely to convert. Peak times can be weeks or even daily hours. Promote form through various social media platforms and emails, blogs, ads too.
If you remove unnecessary things, it will drive you conversion rate. The more you reduce form, the higher your conversion will be. Every choice will impact how much people will fill your form, from help text, fields to design and layout. It’s all part of the user experience that has to be consistent and clear. Honestly, you have to look at form as a way of interface and connection between rest of the world and your company. Having contact form that’s highly converting, is really important for successful presence online, so focus on making the experience a better one for everybody.