According to the American magazine Forbes, one of the most successful business magazine in the world, in 2016, we can expect several trends in content marketing that will dominate. Pay attention to your business year 2015 in terms of marketing content and compare it with the predictions for 2016. A comparison can actually be a great guideline for planning your content marketing for 2016. In 2016, marketing facilities expect big changes. To be ahead of the competition, you will have to adapt quickly.
4 trends in content marketing which will dominate in 2016
# 1 The content will be completely focused on customers
So far, we already wrote about the purpose of content and what it should look like. Educational, informative, solve the problem of readers and so on. In 2016, it will become even more personalized. People will looking for millions of reviews on social networks (photos, video posts, personal posts) in order to ultimately create consistent, related stories that will interest them precisely.
# 2 New opportunities for posting on social networks
Instant Articles – Faster and better reading experience on the Facebook. In our opinion, the content is revived, got a soul now. Leveraging the same technology used to display photos and videos quickly in the Facebook app, articles load instantly, as much as 10 times faster than the standard mobile web. You can publish any type of article, from daily news to longform features. Instant Articles integrate seamlessly with your current workflow, using existing production tools along with standard HTML and RSS feeds.
# 3 Content will require more visual media
Visual content will become increasingly important for several reasons. Wireless connection and speed of the Internet are all accessible to people on the go. They give them greater opportunities and greater access to photos and videos what readers seem more demanding in terms of the experience of a subject. With a lack of time and a growing impatience they need a quick, easy and simple access to the content or form of information. Therefore, visual communication comes into play.
# 4 Quality over quantity
New forms of content and new technologies allow easier and cheaper involvement in the development of marketing facilities. This will undoubtedly result in a flooded market, and will only be able to fight for the best visibility. More than ever, the quality of content will rise above the quantity and only the best will remain on top.
These trends are trying to bring to you the importance of content, written and visual. Tools for creating content are available to you more than ever. Hire people who will take care of your content, find the digital masters who will point you in the magic of instant articles and other magic brought to us by the social networks. Millions of users waiting for you out there with their opinions and concerns.
The folks at Adobe and Edelman have conducted a survey among more than 12,000 online adults, to find out their views on digital content. Follow these 5 simple rules in infographic below to engage your audience in 2016: