Check out the groundbreaking technology of the largest company within the U.S. with this comprehensive list of all Apple products! A timeline shows us just how much Apple has changed the core of the technology industry in only four decades, bringing the abstract concept of computing from college campuses to our pockets. What’s different now that our world is filled with Apple products? Apple comes up with new iPhones and iPads every year. The company has made lots of other products in the past few decades.
In this timeline, you can see how much Apple changed and how a few pivotal moments have revolutionized the entire technological world.
It’s been more than 42 years since “the two Steves” first created a hand-built computer designed for the American home, and since then, the company has created billions of different, creative, world-changing Apple products. History was made with each new innovation, whether it be the now-ubiquitous iPhone, the convenient idea of the personal computer, or the industry-creating tablet.
How do you like this infographic so far? And what would be your best-loved Apple product ever? Also, can you find a mistake in this awesome chart?