Filters are photographic accessories, made of glass, plastic or layers of gelatin, which transmit light of a specific wavelength in the medium of photography when added to the lens using a special bracket or are screwed into the pre-made threads on the lens.
Photography filters have been used throughout the history for manipulating lights that falls into the camera lens before it lights film. There are a huge number of filters available for color correction, adding mood to an image, and special effects. Black and white photography is traditionally used by a number of colored filters to manipulate the colors represented on their photographs. With digital photography, many effects that we used before filters can now be duplicated in the programs for image processing, which means that most of the filters are useless. However, there are several filters that are still necessary and that should have all professional and serious amateur photographers.
Filters for the camera, are what sunglasses are for your eyes. They keep the lens safe, and ensure you get the best shot. However, if you do not know this stuff, and the idea of filters means photoshop filters, here’s some help! For those who want to become a PRO at photography, here’s a photography filters cheat sheet that will come in handy.