Home Career Best Jobs for Outdoor Enthusiasts

Best Jobs for Outdoor Enthusiasts

Source: localguidesconnect.com

Outdoor enthusiasts are typically extroverts who will always look for outdoor activities, whether it’s sport, job, or going to the gun range. If an outdoor enthusiast gets an indoor job or an office-based job, it is possible they will end up frustrated in a short period.

Outdoor enthusiasts are nature lovers. So, finding the right job which suits the outdoor mindset is the fundamental goal of these people. Let’s hop in and find out what jobs outdoor enthusiasts can explore to quench their thirst for nature and the outdoors.

Hunting Guide

Source: cornwallseawaynews.com

Hunting is another highly acclaimed passion of outdoor enthusiasts. Hunters stay very close to nature all the time. They are even better at survival because they eat, sleep and work in nature all the time.

If you are thinking of pursuing the hunting guide profession, you need the best equipment for your job. You can get the best customized rifles and other top-notch gear online without any issues nowadays. For instance, an AR-15 rifle is highly customizable for whatever you’re hunting just by changing out a few parts, like the upper receiver. If you’re looking for upper receivers, click here.

So, make sure that your hunting equipment is up to the mark before heading out into the wild. So, moving ahead, being a hunting guide would be of sheer pleasure for an outdoor enthusiast. A hunting guide guides the hunter regarding the topography and animal presence of the forest where they are supposed to be hunting.

A hunting guide will have the chance to explore each nook and corner of the forest and gain vast experience and knowledge. They make approximately $30,000, which is not bad considering the working hours, which vary mostly.

Tour Guide

Without any second thought, we can say that the Tour Guide is one of the best suitable jobs for outdoor enthusiasts. A tour guide helps tourists explore the place and shares details regarding any specialty of that area. Tour guide is a job where you gain immense knowledge about the places you go. So, it is an excellent outdoor job with all the natural charm and charisma in it.

A tour guide will have the vital opportunity to travel to new places, explore them and get immense knowledge. Most importantly, they will also get to know more people, and their social circle will increase. On average, they get paid $35,000.


Source: pexels.com

Covering thousands of miles of waves is perhaps one of the best jobs for an outdoor enthusiast. Sailors are always in the sea cruising from north to south or the other way around with a carefully directed compass and hard-hitting ship’s flanks.

This type of job will suit an outdoor enthusiast because it has all the things an outdoor enthusiast would love to have. Usually, sailors get paid better since they spend most of the time in the sea away from their families. They approximately make $45,000 annually.

Mountain Climber

Scaling the sky-high mountains is an out-of-world experience. When you reach the top, the world seems so beautiful and peaceful, and that sight is the ultimate desire of outdoor enthusiasts.

So, moving ahead and becoming a climber would perhaps be the best option for an outdoor enthusiast as it is challenging, difficult, and a lot of fun too. In the end, when you climb the top, it makes it worth it to bear all the challenges it has. Mountain climbers make $30,000 on average.


Source: pexels.com

Flying on top of the world is an experience not everyone has had. However, for an outdoor enthusiast, it is a must-have. Not only will the outdoor enthusiasts get to see the world from such a high altitude, but they can also visit many countries and explore them. So, it is an all-in-one job package. An outdoor enthusiast must opt for this profession, and it is the best-suited option according to their nature and desire.


A diver is a lucky chap who gets to see the underworld of the sea and oceans. They have to make their way into the deep oceans and explore marine creatures. Besides, they also collect pearls. Therefore, this might be a suitable option for outdoor enthusiasts who love water and its creatures. They make up a living of $ 32,000 annually.


Source: lancasterfarming.com

Farmer is part and parcel of every society, and they make the bread and butter. Farmers have to stay out all day to harness the crops. They are super close to nature, and this makes them very healthy individuals. So, an outdoor enthusiast with a healthy mindset would be the one to go for a farming job. Typically, they earn $40,000 annually.

Soil Engineer

Soil engineers investigate the soil and its load-bearing capacity since huge infrastructure and buildings have to stay stable on top of the soil. Therefore, the soil is analyzed correctly, and, like all other jobs mentioned above, a soil engineer stays out in the field, taking soil samples and conducting different tests.

This is a very sensitive job because the whole structure depends on the soil report. Soil engineer is also an excellent option for an outdoor enthusiast because the salary is also higher than other outdoor jobs. They are usually paid $75000 on average.

Mining Engineer

Source: mining-technology.com

Working underground and digging into the planet to several kilometers is a mining engineer’s job to extract useful minerals. It is not an easy job because it comes with a lot of challenges and dangerous situations. However, on the bright side of the picture, it is also one of the best-paid jobs for an outdoor enthusiast. They typically get paid over $80,000 annually.


Figuring out the puzzles of history by exploring the ancient sites of heritage is the prime work of archeologists. They are researchers who make ancient history come to life with their in-depth research and knowledge skills. Their work involves a lot of research, so they have to travel a lot, making it a perfect fit job for an outdoor enthusiast. They make more than $65,000 on average.

Forest Ranger

Source: cntraveller.in

Those who love nature will definitely go for a forest ranger job. They stay in the forest throughout the day and cover every corner to make sure everything is alright. Their job is also dangerous since wild animals surround them. However, they know the forest well, and they love what they do. On average, they make $40,000.