Facebook can be great tool for you if you know how to use it right. Facebook looks very easy for using but, if you ever plan some business there you should have advanced strategy. Ads on Facebook can be very profitable, and there are many ways to make them even more effective. When you decide to create ad on Facebook you need to consider most important features. There are 3 elements which you should keep in mind and they are consisted of title, body text and image. Most important of those 3 is image. Everybody says it, as this is what makes or break the ad. The human eyes are being drawn to the ad but if you don’t have something that will grab someones attention people will not click. So when you start creating ads for Facebook put your all effort in it.
The color of the image plays an important part. This matters for whatever type of ad on Facebook you will post or advertise product. Just please, stay away from white and blue since this is Facebook’s branding color and it would look totally blended into Facebook’s background. Make sure that the image you uploaded is one of a high resolution. Not long ago, Facebook announced they will treat video ads more through the timeline, so you should take advantage of this and create much video ads. They are engaging content because they are largely appearing throughout the users news feeds. As a matter of fact, 50% of people who are on Facebook are at least watching one video a day. There are also multi product ads with which you can show multiple products at once in just one ad. The viewers of ads can scroll through pictures and clink on every individual link for specific product.
When you are creating an ad, don’t just put the picture of the product but try to show someone who is using that product instead. The content of your post on Facebook should be aligned with your landing page content and this is because of 2 reasons. When you do that you are getting higher relevance score for ads which means you are going to pay less per one click. In last few years ads on Facebook had become much more competitive and logically more expensive. And secondly your conversion rate will be increased. When people are clicking on your ad they expect getting the information that post has promised, and if they do, your brand and webpage will gain more trust and credibility.
Experiment with different placement of ads and use geographic targeting. This way you can save money on bidding. Setting up ads like this you can adjust bid properly. So you can make higher bids where it’s logical. There are many ways you can set up Facebook for ads. The key is to experiment with placement of ads, split testings and audiences so you can get great results.