Home Daily Infographics Top 7 Marketing Tactics at Sherpa in 2015

Top 7 Marketing Tactics at Sherpa in 2015


When it comes to marketing why not follow advice from experienced specialists? Sherpa, a technology driven marketing solutions provider, one the best digital marketing agencies in Canada, suggests the following:

  1. Integrated customer relationship management system. You must pay attention to evolving your company’s website, because it is a constant support for your clients, whether they are new or returning. Sherpa integrates CRM data capture into the client’s web sites, allowing them to create databases themselves. Deploying a CRM system in the cloud means many of Sherpa’s clients save time, effort and eventually money.
  2. 3D-data driven design. Knowing what pages people enter or leave, in other words what path they take through the website, as well as the number of clicks they make and search terms they use is valuable intelligence. Analyzing that data gives results in moments of questioning redesign options.
  3. Social media fragmentation & influencer networks. Different social media is used for various purposes. It is not equally diffused among age and social type. Some will use LinkedIn, and other Facebook, older and busier will rather tweet, while younger will spend hours surfing through images. The point is adapting to goal audience. Figure out how to engage with certain online profiles via building influencer networks. It works – and we say that from our experience in B2C brands.
  4. Branded Video Content. In this day and age it is very easy to make high quality videos. So why shouldn’t you use that to your advantage? Capture and produce your own content as a way of low cost advertising which you can distribute via multiple channels. This can’t take more than a day of your time and gives you a lot of exposure and feedback in return.
  5. Mobile first. The fact is that mobile devices are slowly taking primate over desktop in our rapid life environment. So it is very likely to assume that people will come across your offers on their mobile devices before on any other. Make your website mobile friendly and prevent poor quality score in Google’s organic search ranking. This ensures a positive user experience.
  6. Apps as sales tools. Sherpa has developed more than two dozen apps for iOS, Android and BlackBerry over the last 4 years. Use them as way of building your brand, because more focus is being brought up to apps as sales tools. They are a valid form of interactive demonstration of your offers that can replace salesmen and PowerPoint presentations to a meaningful extent.
  7. No matter how much technology is important in connecting with the client, still there is no substitute for live interaction. Whenever you’re not able to meet the client in person make sure you have web cams installed to conduct video calls and hold virtual conferences. A lot of information is gained by exchanging vocal and nonverbal elements, which you could not obtain through email.

For more info about marketing tactics, check out the infographic below:

marketing tactic