Some western guys prefer dating Latin American women for dating while others are crazy about Asian girls. Still, Slavic women dating remains very popular among men of all origins. Both American and Western European guys keep coming to Slavic countries in search of their happiness.
Since the popularity of Slavic brides keeps growing but not many guys succeed in dating them and conquering their hearts, this guide was created. It will take you through all the peculiarities of Slavic women dating and explain to you why you might not be successful with them and for what reasons, Slavic brides may not be the right for you.
What men do Slavic women date?

Of course, Slavic women dating is quite a generic question and does, by no means, mean that all Slavic ladies date the same type of men. Before you answer it, you should realize that Slavic countries can be different. To them, you can add not only Ukrainian, Russian, or Belarussian women but those from Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, etc.
Females in all of those countries are very different, their attitudes towards creating families also differ, as well as their dating cultures. Moreover, all people in every country have different preferences. Some of them prefer fit guys, others skinny, some want to date curvier men, etc. Therefore, you cannot judge all Slavic girls the same way and we cannot tell you 100% what type of men they all prefer.
Regardless of that, there is such a thing called dating culture. It pretty much well describes who most Slavic women want to see next to them. Thus, if you have the following qualities, a Slavic woman would most likely appreciate them:
- Confidence;
- Strength (not physical but mental);
- Decisiveness;
- Financial stability;
- Intelligence.
That list often makes western guys confused. When they hear about Slavic girls preferring strong guys, they think those must be bodybuilders or fitness stars. This would be good if you took good care of your body but this is, actually, not the main criterion. When you hear about strength, you should at once imagine a confident man who is able to make decisions. A strong man always bears responsibility for his life and his family, as well as his girlfriend. This is what they expect from you when you start Slavic women dating.
Slavic dating culture

Some western guys find it very difficult to realize the dating culture of Slavic girls. There is, actually, nothing complicated in it. It is not much different from your dating culture, however, there are a few peculiarities to remember. After you do that, no more problems should ever arise.
Never share the dating bills
You and American women can easily share the bills on your dates. This is even welcome. It won’t work with Slavic women dating though. Once you offer her to share the bill, your date fails. She will never meet you again because it is not appropriate in their culture. Their guys always pay the bills when it comes to a date. Your dinners, lunches, cinemas, and other entertainment are absolutely your responsibility if you want to meet a Slavic girl again.
Learn what courtship is

Slavic women dating implies that ladies are conquered and chased by men. This is how it works in all of those countries. Of course, this may be changed with the years and influenced by the west, especially in Eastern Europe. However, in general, you will hardly meet anyone who would not like a man to chase her.
This is a sort of dating game. You chase them and they decide whether you are worth it or not. It might sound strange and too challenging. Unfortunately, not many western guys are ready to handle this challenge. What can be better than playing a knight as if you both were in the Medieval ages?
Of course, everything doesn’t happen like in the Medieval ages. Slavic women are more open nowadays and do not make you ride the horse and save them from their countries. Still, the way you try to conquer her heart reminds it a little bit. Courtship in slavic women dating means sending them flowers, conquering her attention, making her feel comfortable and like you step-by-step. Nothing comes easy and if you want to have a great woman by your side, this is what you should realize.
When do Slavic women marry?

“Most Slavic women do not start families at an early age anymore”. This is absolutely true. Before, it was a well-known fact that most Slavic girls would start families at an early age. Right now, they tend to get an education and build a career before marriage. This is a more western approach and it will hardly be different from that in your country. No one is in a hurry to get married and have children anymore. You have plenty of time to get to know each other.
This is how Slavic women dating is different from yours. By knowing these simple rules, you will be able to build strong and happy relationships. To discover more about dating options and relationships in general, visit DatingServiceUSA and you will definitely succeed when conquering the heart of your special woman!