Infographic: Pinterest popularity grows by 15%
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Not only the social media users discover new marketing chanels,but also brands adopt smaller social networks increasingly. Networks like Instagram and Pinterest are growing...
Uniqlo – Unique and Successful Social Marketing Campaign
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Creating Unique and Successful Social Marketing Campaign
Recently i noticed a video by Uniqlo, which really caught my attention. Why? Answer is really simple: unique...
How to create successful startup? Infographic video
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Great Infographic explaining current world economy situation and what is needed to created a good startup in UK and worldwide. If you wondering how...
Most Viewed Youtube Videos Infographic
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While I was doing research for this infographic I saw many other articles about top Youtube lists. All of them based on different criteria and...
Flat Infographic – Facts About Flat Design
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Facts About Flat Design
I posted an article some time ago about flat design and infographics with freebie infographic elements template included. Flat design currently...
Android vs iOS – Top 10 Infographics
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iOS vs Android Infographics
Android vs iOS is the biggest battle on the web. Thousands of people compare two biggest mobile operating systems. Which one...
Infographic About Modern Media Consumers
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Media Consumers Infographic
These days is very hard and difficult to keep up with daily news and information flow. On the other hand, we have...
2013 Mobile Marketing Infographic
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Social Marketing Infographic 2013
Social advertising market is growing very fast and quickly. By 2017 it will reach $11 Billion. More and more social marketers...
Free iOS 7 TwitterBootstrap One Page Template
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TwitterBootsrap and FontAwesome 3.2 wrapped in iOS 7 design
Several months ago, before new iOS 7 mobile software release date, i was working on app...
Creative Human Storage Infographic
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Creative Human Storage InfographicUnusual and risky to use black color as static infographic background but this time the risk pays off as with this...