Will machines at one point take most of our jobs? Well, judging by some predictions robots are coming, and they are on a way to destroying almost 5 million jobs, 4 years ahead of now. New development in robotics, biotechnology and artificial intelligence could make disruptions in the business world, in similar fashion how industrial revolution ended. This means that automation will transform workforce globally. The effect of a revolution in tech is one of the central subjects in many gatherings of world leaders and business individuals. Many countries will soon enough have to transform their working force in order to be able to follow changes in the business landscape and avoiding massive unemployment. The revolution is happening so quickly that machines are already starting to replace humans in many industries and sectors in the global economy. There are already millions of workers around the world that are eliminated from their jobs. Many assignments and categories have either disappeared completely or been restructured.
As of now, more than 800 million people are unemployed. The automation of technology means there will no longer be factory workers, last service workers and no farmers either. Machines will also take on more laborious and repetitive jobs, but I think it will still require around 100 years to fully eliminate the need for human touch. In some other sectors, for example education, professional services and medicine, technology is raising employment and productivity. Automation doesn’t necessarily mean that entire sectors of working force will be bored out. As long as there are jobs available that require involvement of humans, there will be room for us to continue holding them. I think software and machines are never gone completely replace jobs, so long unless singularity occurs unexpectedly. People are still lights ahead and much superior at any job that requires interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, creativity and entrepreneurship.
The other type of jobs like motivational speakers, nurses, entertainers, caretakers or trainers can fall more into automated world. But I think we should not be surprised at all because once we realize that shifting cultural norms, technology and innovations always fueled towards transformation of the workforce, we will understand that machines had already been doing our jobs for many years. Economies of market never stand in the same place. Industries are falling and rising again just as services and products are changing, and that is happening for a long time. Many jobs disappeared in last 20 years, but number of jobs have risen too. I think when you look at the bigger picture all those tech changes have brought much more positive results then negative, to our society.
We have more valuable time to spend if the work we do, can be replaced by machinery and robots we employ. Also, it doesn’t necessarily mean that people will automate everything just because it’s possible. Just look at the restaurants for example. They are also starting to use tablets to take customer orders and robots even deliver drinks and food. Letting robots and artificial intelligence to take over our jobs to some extend is not a bad idea after all.