One of the most interesting and most effective ways to enrich the content on your blog, expand awareness of your brand and stimulate your audience is to create an infographic. If you are unfamiliar with the term, infographic is a graphical, visual display of more data, information and knowledge, which allows users to easily and quickly learn about a topic, in one interesting and attractive way.
Infographic should impress by the compound of useful information, valuable content and creative design (color, statistics, line graphs, forms). Infographic can be a great substitute for a PowerPoint presentation, you can also use it to display the achievements and accomplishments of the team, campaign, brand, directing visitors to your site, which is positive for the SEO optimization, particularly when it comes to building links.
Through infographic you should not only advertise yourself, your company, products and services, because such an approach can reduce your credibility. Instead, as the material for your infographic, you can present statistics in your industry, product comparison, which would help customers choice, show the use of the product by the economic, geographic characteristics and the like. As with any content you create it should be dedicated to providing objective, valuable and useful information.
In this article We will advice you on how to create your own successful infographic:
The first thing with which you start is a good idea. It is important to know your target group, in order to know whether the topic will be interesting and relevant and what you want to achieve with this kind of marketing. Be helpful to your users, consider their problems and help to solve them, what is interesting to them, and so on. Find your inspiration. Pinterest is still a great source of inspiration. In addition to Google, and Google Trends, the sites that you can visit in search of inspiration are also: Dribbble, Oneminutewith and others.
Explore information. In order to provide quality information it need to be accurate and well researched. Facts and statistics should be taken from a legitimate source. It is necessary to indicate the sources of your research, so that users can learn more about the topic. The sources are displayed as a list of links at the bottom of infographics.
Make a sketch of infographics with the layout of information from the top down, with the titles and subtitles, the position of text and graphic elements.
Select the appropriate design and type of infographics. On the Internet there are resources available that you can use by yourself, with no design experience, to create a great infographic and convey a visual message to readers. PowerPoint is also a great tool for creating infographics.
Vertical position of infographic has about 42% more likely to be embedded on other sites than horizontally designed infographics. Give infographic good title and promise that readers will learn something. 36% of readers prefer titles which contains the numbers next to the text.
Adjust infographic in pixels. The maximum length should be up to 2000 px, because you certainly don’t want slow upload and download of your infographic. For Twitter the desired size of such images is 500 px width and 200 px in length, and Pinterest 735 px. Attention of readers is not endless, so it is also important not to be too long.
It is necessary that you divide your subject in data grups, which according to experts, 10 is enough, and that are organized from the top down. Most shared infographic on Twitter are those who provide information in six major steps.
Colors, graphs and figures should fit into the style and tone of infographic. Do not mix different styles, especially when it comes to graphics. It is recommended to use colors that fit well together and let it be up to three pallets. Creative use of colors, shapes, lines makes each infographic unique. Use size and color to highlight information in the hierarchy.
Be sure to check at the end all grammatical and spelling mistakes and put the elements of your brand in the infographic, which includes your web address and logo. Do not copy other infographics, be original and develop your own ideas.
We hope you will find these tips helpful, regardless of whether you are thinking of creating your first infographic or want to effectively use some of your existing infographic in your marketing campaigns. Below are some excellent infographic templates with which you can start making your own infographics: