5 free infographic templates for your own infographics by hubspot.com
Customize text, colors, shapes and appearance. Free for download and unlimited choice of customizations.
Thanks to guys from Hubspot.com
Download 5 free infographic templates. Customize and create static infographics for free.
You can customize these templates using PowerPoint or Keynote. Once you will download linked file in .ppt format, simply open it in Powerpoint. If you are Mac user open with Keynote. It works fine with any version of Powerpoint or Keynote.
Watch our tutorial on how to customize and create your own infographics. If you have any troubles please leave your comment!
Click “Checkout” , enter your details and on the confirmation page click download button. Enjoy and share with us your work!
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TechInfographics.com mission is to simplify process of creating infographics. There are many blogs about infographics but none of them telling or showing you how to create them. We are doing our best to make creation process as easy as possible. Please tell us what you think in comments . Your suggestions , reviews and opinion is highly appreciated.