6 prejudices about video games
Although, it’s very unlikely that you will hear any of these prejudices pronounced by someone who likes to play games, we wrote an article withsome arguments that could once and for all put to an end the prejudices which are since ancient times associated with video games.
1. Video games and violence
Stories about “the guy who, after two days of playing FPS’s in dug eyes members of his family”, or “monster who killed the whole school with machine gun after playing the evil war games” we have heard enough times that they already begin to be ignored. Well, these two examples are actually fictional, but similar bombastic headlines so far we have had the opportunity to read too many times. Yes, there are plenty of games in which you realistically can decapitate your enemies, cut off their limbs, shoot the knees, set them on fire or run over a prostitute after they make the most of its services (from a completely valid reasons though – to pick up the money you gave her). Does this mean that a normal player will get the need to do any of the following in real life? Well, We really believe that it does not.
If someone is really able to come to school with a firearm and take away the lives of several of his colleagues with a smile on his face, it is not difficult to conclude that such a person is not completely psychologically stable, and needed just a trigger to start all. In such cases, the trigger may have actually been a violent video game, but also it could be a movie, song, book, neighbors or anything else.
We need to remember with a smile a genius “activist” Jack Thompson, who has a few years ago entertained us with his excesses according to just this topic. If we look at some research, statistics even say that the increase in sales of games in the United States reduce the amount of violence among young people. Actually we have the impression that only the media cares about writing bombastic titles on the connection between video games and violence.
2. The girls do not play
… Or at least that impression people have. The impression is wrong, of course. Let’s again put on a little statistics: according to a study by the Entertainment Software Association conducted last year, 40% of gamers are the females, while some kind of seriousness of their playing says the fact that they are playing an average of 7.2 hours per week (average for men is 7.6).
3. Games encourage unsociability
This is an interesting thesis. Even if we ignore online mutliplayer as any form of socialization, much of gamers still loves to play online multiplayer. You know, the old-fashioned: one console, two gamepad, goad opponents in the ribs, and priceless swearing in situations when you lose.
Of course, all we will confirm it with some more statistics. So, according to ESA’s research, mentioned in the previous paragraphs, 64% percent of gamers play games with other gamers live, and as for the children, 48% of parents playing with their children at least once a week.
4. Games are not art
This discussion is particularly flared by Roger Joseph Ebert, American film critic and screenwriter. Enthusiastic Roger in 2005 said that video games are not art and can not be compared with the film or literature. Of course, gamers were not happy with his comment. The most brilliant of all is that Ebert in his life did not play a single game, but still was able to claim that “because of the nature of their media games can not be art.” Respectable.
We do not want to emphasize the titles that will start an avalanche of comments which tends to turn into flame wars to win, but some games can undoubtedly stand shoulder to shoulder with the greats of literature or film industry. Of course, not every book, not every movie, and not every game art.
5. Only children play games
In the previous paragraphs we could not handle the statistics, but here again we have a study that reveals to us enough. Again it comes to ESA’s research, conducted last year on a sample of over 1200 households that have game console, or use a computer for this purpose. Thus, there were only 25% of gaming population under 18, 49% had between 18 and 49 years, and even 26% of gamers are over 50 years old. The average age of gamers is 34 years.
6. Video games have badly impact on the health
Well, now. Let’s face it, almost none of us lives enough healthy life. Maybe you do not move enough, party all the night and don’t sleep, drink too much, eat less fruits, vegetables, protein and carbohydrates, your diet is based on a Big Mac and fries, etc…
Probably you when you were little learned that we should not exaggerate in anything. Believe it or not, it is true for playing games. If, however, you come home tired from work, school, an hour of relaxation and fun with your favorite title will definitely come in handy. Therefore, we believe that video games can have a positive effect on your health, what psychological least. And it is in today’s times, perhaps most importantly. We must not forget the educational games that are useful for the development of children, and the fact that playing with friends can be fun social experience, we have already mentioned. The main problem is that people sometimes do not know how to be moderate in playing when they like the game.
All in all, depends on the character of the person and the environment in which person is located. It is not good to exaggerate in anything, not even in playing video games. Below you can see some interesting statistics about video games: