When you’re on the go, sometimes is easier to issue a voice command to your phone than typing. In the last three months we see a large increase of the use of voice commands. For example,there are twice more users than in the previous three months, who are using the voice command on devices. But first it must be available in the language they speak.
Google Now voice commands are one of those functions that seem funny, until you start to actually use it. Google force voice commands for some time now, adding and improving services as well as deep integration with Android KitKat system seems that Google lays tremendous hope in Google Now voice services. Honestly, at the beginning everything seemed funny, and you couldn’t imagine yourself to “talk” with the phone. But all really changes when you start to use all these functions. Imagine that instead of writing, you can use a simple voice commands and voice response, information that may cost you a few seconds.
With one move of the screen or only with “OK Google” you can get all you need. Whether you want to check the weather forecast for tomorrow, or call a friend, it is now much easier. No more scrolling through a long list of contacts, to call friends. But Google Now Voice is not only the default browser – you can ask more complex activities and questions. Here are some Google Now voice commands that will surely convince you that the use of these services can certainly be useful.
Search for information
Obviously, the Internet search is one of the best Google Now voice functions, but it is more than just surfing faster than using writing.
Currency conversion
It’s travelling time, summer vacations, etc. As in some countries currency is different and it’s always good to know how these currency moves. Using Google Now service, the answer to this question can be obtained for only a few seconds.
The meaning of a word?
It often happens that we do not know the real meaning of a word, with the voice command for example, define “bellwether” you get automatically an explanation of the word.
Want to know the current time in one of cities? Ask Google
Using “What time is in Tokyo?” Google automatically gives you the exact time in a given city. In this case we were interested in Tokyo.
Do you need an umbrella tomorrow?
What kind of weather awaits you tomorrow or the next day you can get a detailed graphic display giving short commands of tomorrow weather or weather for whole week.
Interesting and funny video clips on YouTube
Each of us often stuck on YouTube by browsing and watching funny videos. Now it may be easier, using the voice command show me funny Google Now will always surprise you with the list of interesting and funny videos.
When is Father’s Day?
Holidays are every year changing dates, Google knows all year in advance so you do not have to remember. Just ask when is the Father’s Day and the answer is there.
Pictures of brands, equipment and everything else?
Simply using the command show me pictures of your desire, Google Now will automatically show you a list of files according to your request. List of questions using “show me” the command is really unlimited, try for yourself.
Do you understand the point? Google surely knows more than you think. By combining your voice and the right questions, you will always get the answer. This is very useful for short answers. If you are doing a deeper search we advise you to stick to the old typing. 🙂 This is one of the coolest features that Android Kitkat has to offer its users . Working constantly on its new commands, Google keeps on updating this feature in order to make it more useful for Android smartphone owners.
Below you can check 70+ useful Google Now voice commands: