Searcher task accomplishment is often mentioned among the SEO experts. What is it? Yes, I know this sounds so new to each and every one of you. This is the newest ranking factor folks! Yes, you heard it right. If you want your website to be recognized and to rank on Google or the rest of the search engines, this new ranking factor is what you need.
For example, imagine you need to search for something. Something that you want to know more about. or you need it for your project or just searching for online reviews for your next holiday or car. You searched for it and then suddenly a lot of suggestions pop up on your screen. You will now attempt to click the first to check, whether it answers all the queries on your mind. According to study conducted by Chitika 32.5% of the traffic goes to the page ranking 1st. As you visit the page and read the article or watch the video about what you searched for, you might feel complete. Your search has been completed and you move onto new query. Right now, you can say to yourself “yeah, that’s right” or “that’s what I was searching for”. You now realize, your problem was solved. And that is searcher task accomplishment.
Google Result Page Rank | Average Traffic Share |
1 | 32.5% |
2 | 17.6% |
3 | 11.4% |
4 | 8.1% |
5 | 6.1% |
6 | 4.4% |
7 | 3.5% |
8 | 3.1% |
9 | 2.6% |
10 | 2.4% |
11 | 1.0% |
12 | 0.8% |
13 | 0.7% |
14 | 0.6% |
15 | 0.4% |
Source (Chitika)
Satisfaction and Fulfillment for Searcher Task Accomplishment
Solving problems, the searchers are searching for, is the main point of this article. The satisfaction and fulfillment of a searcher’s queries is what you are going have to do, to get the rank you need for your web site. How does that really work?
Bringing Value
You bring value to the searcher. You deliver and give them the information they are searching for in a coherent and easy to understand way. This information is delivered instantly anywhere, at any time on any device. AMP project is Google’s latest successful project. Now all AMP pages will be forced to the top when the search is coming from a mobile device. This means only one thing. Your landing pages must be AMP to make the cut. Soon or Later this will be ranking factor for Google’s Algorithm.
Most of the people today have a cell phone, even at their early age. It is the fastest way to communicate with another person regardless of the language, country or the time zone. The technological Innovation is really awesome because you can now use phones for work as well instantly 24/7. That is how important a phone is for everybody nowadays. This is the only single reason why Google endorses the AMP project. The game has always been about the searcher task accomplishment. It took Google years to improve their algorithm and the machine learning process. Eliminating the spam and filtering the unrelated search results has always been priority.
Searcher task accomplishment might involve various consecutive queries. These queries might be entirely independent but still related, for example, insurance related to a product/service.
Search results most often educate and increase confidence of the person performing the search. For example, you want to buy a new phone. You do not buy a phone, because you wanted to, but you need it to make your life easier. You will now look for specific brand. Then you found what looks like, so great for you. But, would you instantly buy it? Obviously not! You will be excited to look at its features and what else it has to offer. Does it have the camera you need to take the best shots you wanted? Does it have HD video recording? How much memory does it have? Is it fast? Can I browse multiple websites on it without the phone being slow? Or does it hang when, I use various applications? How long does the battery last for? And from that point, are you done? Would you buy it now? Actually no, not yet. There will be much eagerness for you to see what colors and design would be the best fit for your style. And after all of that, after accomplishing all that queries, you can now easily say to yourself “yes, this is what I am really looking for, and I’m going to buy it.
After making the decision, additional question follows. How and where can I buy it? Can I use my card? Follow up queries that need an immediate answer. These would be the next thing your searcher might be looking for. As a seller, you don’t want your buyer to take only the unit you sell right? You will give him/her the entire bundle. Just like on your website, you will give the searcher the satisfaction and fulfillment he/she needs through the complete package you are offering.
These are the add-ons I am talking about. You have to know what the searcher would need ahead and you have to make them feel you are with them all the way through. That you’re going to help them from the beginning until the end.
How to do this?
If you’re getting the idea and you want to do this on your own, you just have to remember these things.
First, be real.
People don’t want to waste their time just to answer those registration forms asking their emails, contact numbers, etc. just to know the answer to their questions. They want a quick and perfect response for what they are looking for. If you don’t want your searcher to go back on the search results and go to a different site, don’t waste their time scrolling all the way down on your page or redirected to other page just to see and gain nothing they are searching for. Also, no redirecting of other websites just to find frustration again, that won’t help. If you’re doing this and you see your rank is going down, don’t be shocked. It is too obvious. You should review your landing pages.
Second, be open-minded.
What makes you think people search for something? People search for a solution. Do some interviews, meetings, surveys and even reviews from other sites. Try not to think what you know is right. Gather some ideas and information from other people, people that can help you to find solution to a problem. The perfect target would be those individuals who had encountered these problems and deliver the solution.
Put yourself in the searcher’s shoes for you to understand it very well. Try to think outside of the box and deliver what people want instantly. Think about what searcher wants to make his life better. There are various tools to help you understand search behavior, however this is entirely different topic for this post.
With these thoughts and ideas, you would now be able to answer and tackle searcher queries from all kind. The good news is if you do this task well you, will now observe that your web site is ranking well.