So, you have built a mobile-friendly app, and you think that it will satisfy your users? If you haven’t paid attention to the aspect of usability, then you are wrong. Good user experience is essential. There is more people than you would think who make this mistake. If the user gets lost using your app, can’t make use of most of its functions unless they go for the paid version, or encounter it inexplicably crashing all the time, then you have not done a good job. In this article we are going to discuss some of the tips on how to develop an app that is truly user-friendly.
Making sure it’s compatible with the device and user-friendly
It goes without saying that your app needs to be compatible with the device your user runs it on. What some developers tend to forget about is that this includes software updates as well. It isn’t uncommon for an app to stop working properly because the developer forgot to take this into account. You can make the perfect app, but it is no good if it no longer works once the device’s OS is updated. It is essential that you track the device’s progress via social media and the store page, in order to follow up on what your users are saying about it, and be able to respond and react in time.
Creating a clean presentation
A smartphone screen offers a limited space for you to work on. What you need to do is make use of all that space, but not overdo it. It’s all in the art of finding the right balance. There is a variety of things that you need to think about. What is the size of your fonts? Are the links and buttons big enough for your user to tap them with their fingers? Is your app’s interface clearly seen in sunlight? Is it readable when walking? Your app will be tough to use if you don’t take these factors into account. When you have designed your perfect interface, test it out as if you are a user that is outdoors, in a rush, and on a slow connection.
Guiding your users with icons
You can improve your app’s user experience by creatively implementing icons and logos. This is particularly the case if your app has a minimal color design. Here, your icons and logos are prominent and stand out from the minimal background. Their task is to work as a kind of visual language that leads the user to take the right action. For example, you design your app so that it focuses on three colors, and let the icons do their job of engaging the user.
Focusing on one feature
When designing a mobile app, you should make so that it serves one primary purpose. A common mistake for app developers is that they attempt to make the app’s small screen cover as many features as possible. You need to decide what you want your app to do, and make the best out of it. Avoid giving your user a variety of options, and then hoping they will choose the one that you had in mind. If you listen to a piece of advice from mobile app developers in Sydney, your user experience has to be consistent and focused on one purpose.
Coming up with an intuitive experience
It is essential that your app is simple enough to use. You don’t want your users to need a manual to find out how to use it. It is generally the case that it is a matter of seconds when it comes to drawing a new user to your app, and if they are unable to download, open, and understand how to use the app in a short amount of time, you are going to lose them. Your app needs to be clear and simple when it comes to presenting its features, so that your user can easily tell what they are supposed to do in order to take the desired action. If a user doesn’t get that, they will quite probably address it in your app’s review.
Understanding the context
Your app’s user experience is related to more than just the app on its own – it also has to do with the user and the context in which it is being used. People often check their phones during other activities, such as waiting in a line or travelling on a bus. Basically, sometimes a user spends time on their phone during the short moments when they are actually doing something else, while other times they are actually looking to get something done. When designing your app, you need to keep this context in mind – when and how is the user going to use your app.
In summation
Creating a user-friendly mobile app is a kind of art. It’s all about finding the right balance and understanding the context when it is used. Follow these 6 useful tips when developing a mobile app of your own.
Sam Cyrus is CEO and co-founder of GWM, a Digital Marketing agency from Australia. Sam is also a creative writer and likes to share his insights on entrepreneurship, business, online marketing, SEO and social media.