Do you ever catch yourself wondering about how and when some app you are using was created? Since mobile technology is growing every day it is normal that there are some apps that are used every day by lots of people. But how were they created? In this article I will present 14 apps that changed the world. When you read something about these apps you will surely realize that there are lots of similar apps out there, maybe even better than this ones. But these apps are surely one of the best and the main point here is that these apps I listed below were one of the first apps in mentioned category. So, let’s start!
Dining – GrubHub & Seamless
There are lots of people who simply don’t like to talk on the phone and before this new technologies some people used to fight over has to call and order food. But not anymore. Apps like GrubHub and Seamless completely changed and revolutionized the way of ordering food.
GrubHub is a mobile application that shows all the restaurants opened for online ordering and delivery. Currently it allows people to order food from over 35,000 restaurants in over 900 cities in U.S. and in London.
Seamless is a part of GrubHub company and it also serves as a food ordering app. Ditch the phone calls and simply order anything you want. It will be delivered to you in no time. Seamless is completely free and simple to use. If you have any problem there is 24/7 support that will surely help you. Great app.
Taxi & Transportation – Uber
Uber started as a simple startup company in California. Uber was created because one of the developers, Travis Kalanick, had problems when searching for a cab in Paris. In 2009 they started a startup named UberCab and just a year later they published app for iOS and android called Uber. Uber app connects drivers with people who need transportation. The main advantage is lower prices than usual and you can pay over internet. The idea is actually pretty simple, just open the app and order a ride. After the app gets your request a nearest driver will get the information. You can even drive for Uber if you have a vehicle and driver license because you don’t need taxi license or taximeter.
GPS Navigation & Maps – Google Maps & Waze
Since mobile technology is developing every day it was expected that these devices will become our navigators. And there are two apps that started a real revolution, Google Maps and Waze. We all know what Google Maps is and what it can do, but did you hear about Waze? Waze is an application for GPS navigation bought by Google for over $1 billion. Why is it worth that money? Well, Waze was made by a company in Israel and its main goal was to inform people about traffic. During its development Waze app became more than just that and currently it is geographic social application that connects over 50 million users from all over the planet.
Banking – Venmo
When we talk about mobile banking then it is very important to mention Venmo. Venmo created a real revolution in banking because it offers simple and secure transfer of money in seconds. Venmo is actually a part of PayPal. You can instantly make or share payments, request money from people, connect with different people and lots of other stuff.
Fitness – Runkeeper
If you need a mobile application for fitness then the choice is really hard because there are many different apps with different features but with the same purpose. But few years ago you didn’t have that much choice and Runkeeper is one of the first and the best fitness apps. Why is Runkeeper so amazing? Because it actually makes exercising fun. It tracks runs, workouts and everything you want but you will have fun with using it.
Books – Kindle & Audible
Kindle and Audible are the apps that transferred books to the new, 21st century of advanced technology. With these apps you can carry hundreds of your favorite books on digital device. And when you want to read it just open it on your device and read, simple as that.
Finance – Robinhood
This app really deserves its very interesting name. What is so good about this app? Well, it offers you the possibility to trade with stocks from your mobile phone. There are lots of other apps who do that too but with this one the actual stock trading is completely free with $0 commissions. You can access data on market whenever you want, place your offers on market, build your own stock watchlist and much more.
Dating – Tinder
If need a girlfriend or a boyfriend, want to find them on internet and don’t use Tinder then you are making a huge mistake. Tinder is a great app that allows you to connect with Facebook account and then search for people near you. First enter some basic details and then simply search. Enter the location, radius and age and results will surely impress you. Then if you like someone from the results simply click on the button for like, no one will know that you liked that person. And if he or she likes you at one point then you both will be informed about that. Really great app worth having.
Photography – Instagram
What to say about this one? We all know what Instagram is and most of the people are already using it. Not only you can publish your photos and connect with people but you can also edit pictures and everything else and feel like a professional photographer. Simple take a picture of something and then edit anything you want with Instagram app. Pretty cool, right?
Music – Spotify
Spotify rules. With Spotify app you can stream unlimited amounts of free and totally legal music from mobile devices. There is really huge amount of music and everyone can find something for themselves. Spotify was created in Sweden as a small startup project in 2008. Unlike other similar services like iTunes, WMP and Winamp, Spotify offered the possibility of listening to music that wasn’t bought before because it is simply “attached” to the cloud. And that way of offering service is why this startup project expanded and developed so quickly. Today, Spotify has over 15 million different songs from large number of different countries. There is also a premium package with more additional features that won’t cost you a lot and it is surely worth the money.
Communication / News – Twitter
Few years ago Twitter was the most popular social network. Then other networks came along and got more popularity and much more users but Twitter app for mobile devices surely changed the way of sharing and reading news. With Twitter app you can follow all the hottest news sites or celebrities and get all the best stories right away when they are published. App is free, simple to use and very useful.
And that was our last one, I hope you enjoyed reading the list and I hope you learned something new or decided to get yourself one of these apps. You can find some more information in the infographics below. Enjoy!